Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Microphones, Mucus, and Milestones

Hello everyone who is reading this! And only to you. The rest of the people out there really don't matter. . . Actually that would be a lot of people. . . I take back that first part then.

Anywho, it's Tuesday night and I have to work in the morning. I actually have to work the next three mornings. That's a good thing actually. So, in the words of a country song that I have heard the last few mornings when I wake up, "There's a lot of things I don't have to do. I get to." I don't know who sings this song, and I don't necessarily like it, but that line kinda resonates with me. How many daily activities are there that we say we "have to do"? Why don't we say things like "I get to fill my car up with gas" (an obviously unenjoyable experience but one that only occurs if one owns their own car, which is something to be grateful for!) or "I get to work today" (meaning of course that you are employed, which is something that not everyone can say)? Just a thought. Call it an insightful insight. . . (Remember that everyone???)

Moving on, I am sick. I picked up the head cold that seems to be going around whenever it is least desireable to have. I think I picked it up sometime Saturday because I woke up on Sunday and I felt like absolute crap. And that was my Heather day!!! Well I spent most of my time with her either coughing or blowing my nose, which was unfortunate. Either way, I almost called in sick on Monday and ended up sleeping most of the afternoon. I even skipped bowling on Monday night because I felt so bad. I ended up with several dayquils and a couple nyquils in my system before the day ended and I woke up this morning feeling a tad better. Not perfect. Just better. I dislike so much the common cold! Why can't it be called the "damn near irrelevant cold" because it's never around!?!?! That would be nice! But instead we are stuck with the almost full assurance that the stupid virus/bacteria/crap will strike us at least one time a year! That is, unless we're Bob Barker! Have you seen this guy? He has not taken a day off in like fifty years! That's why he's retiring at the end of this year! So he can get sick! I have you figured out Plinko-man!

Anyway, so I haven't been feeling well. And the funny thing is that I was just looking at my very own archives (a feature of this blog that I enjoy utilizing) and I was sick at the same time last year! I got my wisdom teeth taken out the end of 2005 and then was sick for over a month and into late January of 2006! Bizarre, huh?

(O, by the way, it is now midnight on the 31st, which means that it is officially mine and Heather's third anniversary! Balloons, streamers and confetti!!)

This evening was Senior Night at Desert Christian High School. This is the final home game of the regular season and an opportunity is given to the seniors to give out a thank you to their parents in front of everyone. Well, in order to do this, a microphone must be plugged in and the sound board must be used. I have been imploring the athletic director, Mr. Dean Spoelstra, to allow me the opportunity to announce the guys games. "Announcing" essentially means calling out the starting lineups and then doing a kinda play-by-play (saying "So-and-so for two" when a basket is made and stuff like that). Apparently the music teacher did not want her sound board messed with, so they could never allow me to do that. Well tonight it was hooked up! I took that chance and ran with it! I immediately asked Mr. Spoelstra if I could announce the guys game and he agreed! I figured it would be a great chance for practice and a way to see if I was any good at something that I hope to be a part of my future. In a nutshell, I loved it! I thought I did a good job and everyone I talked to after the game agreed with me and gave me kind words of encouragement. I'm hoping for at least one home playoff game so I can do it again, but we'll see. I loved every second I was doing it and I wasn't even nervous once I began talking. I was born to talk about basketball. Let's juse see if I am going to actually fulfill that destiny. . .

Well, now that it is 0025 and it is definitely my anniversary, I would like to say a few words about my wonderful Heather! This is how much she loves me: (a direct quote from a text she sent me back in November) "It's like when you draw a graph and the arrows on the ends of the lines imply they go on forever. . . like that :)" How lucky am I???? I was just thinking about an "It's A Wonderful Life" situation with me. If I had not hypnotized Heather three years ago, what kind of person would I be? Would I be happy? Would I be career-and-goal-oriented? Would I be dating lots of girls or would I be alone every Friday and Saturday night? Would I have more money? (The answer to that one is YES!!!) But all that aside, I know for a fact that I would be in no way better off if the wonderful Miss Heather Acuff had not said yes to me three years ago. If she had of pushed my hand away in that cold suburban driving through the streets of Tiajuana, Mexico (For the whole story of how we got together, head here), then I would be in a much worse position than I am at this point. I am forever thankful for the role she has in my life and I am never burdened by the fact that I have a girlfriend. I am always challenged, always tested, and never right (actually, sometimes I am - - o wait, that's just a mirage!!!). But I have a companion. I have a buddy. I have a friend. I have a mate. I have a beautiful young woman by my side and hopefully in three years time, we will not only share jokes and ideas of the future, but also a last name and an address. I love you Heather. Forever 11:11!

Goodnight everyone - - -

Sleep well and have a good Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the three year anniversary! I always love hearing about you two. I really enjoy the mushy stuff (what else would you expect from a Moulin Rouge lover?). I'll write a comment for your origins blog ("my girl") eventually.

I'm glad you enjoyed the basketball announcing. I think you'd be good at that because you're good at thinking on your feet.
